Thursday, March 5, 2009

What We've Done This Term

Over the course of this term, I have done a few articles here and there and learned some things about the interview process.
The journal beat that I did was fun. I found it interesting to look at what other area newspapers, including school newspapers, have written about the Beavers and their surprising success this basketball season. I have found that if I could get on somewhere and cover a sports beat I might be successful. The "Behind the Beat" articles from the Oregonian were the best, and it's inclusion of humor and personality are what me feel like I may be able to do that professionally and enjoy it.
The event story was a bit more difficult for me. Because of my schedule with work, family and school I found it hard to get to an event on campus. Eventually I settled on a press conference from baseball coach Pat Casey. It was interesting, but I learned more about the timing of these things more than anything. So, I will most likely (never say never) not be late to a press conference again - I will always be 30 minutes early if possible.
The profile I wrote about Veteran's Service Officer, Don Johnson, was fun for me. He is such an interesting guy and does so much for the veterans in the community.
All in all it was a good term, although I have to say that the class being on Wednesday night was my most "unfavorite" part of the class.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Wedn night is tough all around. Your blogs got better as the term progressed, as did your writing in general. It was good having you in the class. By the way, I've been to Leysin--I saw you went to school there. Beautiful place. Score: 8.
